Venho mostrar- vos um postal que criei com um ficheiro Svg Cuts, os meus carimbos Docerela e um furador de flor e claro.... muitos brilhantes.
Fiz para oferecer a uma amiga no seu casamento.
As suas cores preferidas são o azul, o branco e o verde escuro.
Aqui fica o meu projeto!
Espero que gostem e ela também!!
Hello !!
I want to show you a card that I created with a Svg Cuts file, my Docerela stamps and a flower punch. And of course.... lots of brilliants.
I made this card to offer in my friend wedding.
Her favorite colors are blue, white and dark green.
Here is my project!
I hope you enjoy it and her too !!
terça-feira, 30 de setembro de 2014
Postal Caixa Bolo de casamento com Carimbos Docerela
3- D,
Design team Docerela Creations,
Docerela Stamps,
handmade cards,
svg cuts
sexta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2014
Docerela Desafio #70- Vale Tudo
Hoje é sexta feira e é dia de um novo desafio Docerela.
O desafio desta semana é vale tudo.
Aqui fica o meu projeto, espero que gostem.
Podem encontra-lo aqui.
Today is friday and there's another challenge for you in Docerela's blog.
This time is Anything goes.
And this is my project:
Please don't forget/ Não esquecer:
Hoje é sexta feira e é dia de um novo desafio Docerela.
O desafio desta semana é vale tudo.
Aqui fica o meu projeto, espero que gostem.
Fazem envios para Portugal e encomendando vários kits optimizam-se os portes e podem enviar e- mail para fazer a encomenda de algum kit que esteja fora de stock.
Espero que tenham gostado e que participem no desafio.
Espreitem também o blog das outras meninas da Design Team:
Today is friday and there's another challenge for you in Docerela's blog.
This time is Anything goes.
And this is my project:
Can find it here.
Make orders to Portugal and optimize delivery costs by ordering multiple kits. You can also send a e-mail to order a specific kit that is out of stock.
I hope you enjoy and participate in the challenge.
Make orders to Portugal and optimize delivery costs by ordering multiple kits. You can also send a e-mail to order a specific kit that is out of stock.
I hope you enjoy and participate in the challenge.
Also peek the blog of the other girls on the Design Team:
Please don't forget/ Não esquecer:
Some Rules to keep in mind while playing along:
Project submissions must be NEW, please no back linking
Docerela Creations must be mentioned in the description with a link back to here
Entry must fit theme to be qualified for the prize
Prize must be claimed within 48 hours
Please link your project posting not just your blog
Please be a follower if you are not one
Project submissions must be NEW, please no back linking
Docerela Creations must be mentioned in the description with a link back to here
Entry must fit theme to be qualified for the prize
Prize must be claimed within 48 hours
Please link your project posting not just your blog
Please be a follower if you are not one
Leave a comment after linking
Leave a comment on every blog
One entry per person
Challenge is opened worldwide
Project must be stamped
Use our acrylic stamps to increase your chances of winning
Have fun
Leave a comment on every blog
One entry per person
Challenge is opened worldwide
Project must be stamped
Use our acrylic stamps to increase your chances of winning
Have fun
sexta-feira, 5 de setembro de 2014
Docerela Desafio #69- Regresso às aulas e usar fita
Hoje temos mais um desafio Docerela Creations.
Esta semana o tema é Regresso às aulas e tem que se usar uma fitinha!
Ao participarem podem ganhar um kit de carimbos da marca Docerela à vossa escolha.
Os carimbos Docerela são transparentes, muito fáceis de usar, de muito boa qualidade e têm kits em português e inglês com temas muito variados.
Neste projeto usei um dos meus kits de carimbos preferido!!!
Na Docerela fazem envios para Portugal e encomendando vários kits optimizam-se os portes e podem enviar e- mail para fazer a encomenda de algum kit que esteja fora de stock.
E agora aqui fica o meu projeto:
Espero que tenham gostado e que participem no desafio.
spreitem também o blog das outras meninas da Design Team:
Espero que tenham gostado!!
This time the challenge is back to school and use ribbon.
These stamps are transparent, very easy to use, very good quality and have kits in Portuguese and English, with varied themes.
This time I used one of my favorite kit of Docerela Stamps
I love it!!!
And now my project:
I hope you enjoy and participate in the challenge.
Also peek the blog of the other girls on the Design Team:
I hope you like it!!
Please don't forget/ Não esquecer:
Some Rules to keep in mind while playing along:
Project submissions must be NEW, please no back linking
Docerela Creations must be mentioned in the description with a link back to here
Entry must fit theme to be qualified for the prize
Prize must be claimed within 48 hours
Please link your project posting not just your blog
Please be a follower if you are not one
Project submissions must be NEW, please no back linking
Docerela Creations must be mentioned in the description with a link back to here
Entry must fit theme to be qualified for the prize
Prize must be claimed within 48 hours
Please link your project posting not just your blog
Please be a follower if you are not one
Leave a comment after linking
Leave a comment on every blog
One entry per person
Challenge is opened worldwide
Project must be stamped
Use our acrylic stamps to increase your chances of winning
Have fun
Leave a comment on every blog
One entry per person
Challenge is opened worldwide
Project must be stamped
Use our acrylic stamps to increase your chances of winning
Have fun
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